Friday, April 2, 2010

Price List

Let me start by saying that I feel so fortunate to do what I am doing. Photography has been a hobby of mine for a while now. I love taking pictures of my kids when they are just doing "their thing" and being able to capture the emotion of the moment. I spend hours looking back at pictures of them tasting their first bite of baby food, dipping their head under the water at the pool, trying to lick every last drop of ice cream off of their face ... it is moments like these that I cherish and I never want to forget. When pictures of my children are delivered from the photo lab, I can't wait to rip open the package and remember those awesome times that slip by so quickly. I am so lucky to be able to help other families do this as well.

Sitting Fee - $100

The sitting fee includes:

  • 1-2 hour photo shoot - location of your choice as long as it is within 30 miles of my house.
  • Custom processing
  • Gallery of 15-20 images

The sitting fee is due at the time of the session and includes up to 5 people. The sitting fee covers the time and talent of the photographer and does not include prints.
Should there be an illness and should the session need to be cancelled, I will work with you to reschedule.

Print Prices:

5x7 $15
8x10 $25
11x14 $35**
16x20 $55**

**Any prints 11x14 or larger need to be mounted to preserve the quality of the print. Please contact me for mounting prices. The mounting fee is an additional expense to the print cost.

Digital File Prices

Each picture - $100

Digital files allow you the freedom to print, blog, gift, and use your images to create works of art. All digital files are full-resolution files that are accompanied by a print release.

The "Whole Sh'bang" - $800

This includes the digital files of every picture in your client gallery on a CD with a print release giving you rights to reproduce all the pictures.

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